
Type 3 ffl
Type 3 ffl

type 3 ffl

You know that there will be requirements to maintain a book of acquisitions and dispositions, including individually itemized information from each firearm and concerning each transferee.Ĭhances are that just this one-paragraph reminder of the responsibilities of FFL holders means that some of you just dropped thoughts of picking up the FFL for curios and relics, even if you are eyeing a Russian capture rifle from the Eastern Front.

Type 3 ffl license#

You know that there will be an application to complete, a license issued, and use of the license in FFL-to-FFL transfers, including interstate transfers. On the one hand, if you already manage an FFL, you have a working familiarity with the essential structure of ATF requirements. With summer being that infamous time that we find ourselves wandering in small towns with storefront, multi-generational dealers, you, too, may find yourself thinking maybe you’d like to expand your collection and wondering if there are any advantages to adding another FFL to your collection, as well. As one friend quipped, “Next thing you know, you’ll be getting your FFL in Firearm curios and relics.” Looking out for cracks through the recoil lug was one thing, but bringing a firearm from 1902 into the family raised all kinds of questions. The first time one of our team members saw an early style Swedish Mauser with a light hue French walnut, she knew she was in trouble.

Type 3 ffl